About us and the environment

This is a series of images I made using neon colours as highlights, using them to point out the toxicity in our environment. When we look at our landscapes, we think we’re experiencing the pure beauty of nature. But are we? Do we see the air which pollute our lungs? Is it the sunset which makes the sky orange? Do we know that the water is clean? We might be becoming easily satisfied with the instagrammable landscapes which we use as backdrops for instant gratification. What do we do beyond that? These are questions I’d like to ask.


Pre-Covid outbreak, I started a seemingly innocent Alphabet series but they are a comment on our environmental crisis.

From Left, A - Air pollution, B - Dying bees, C - Carbon emmission.



Birds. They are the species most affected by the increase in the number of roads being built. There are two sides to it. On the one side, the more common birds such as blackbirds, pigeons and gulls are doing better and becoming more abundant. Roads provide heat and birds are nesting closer to them, but at the expense of less common birds - the ones which are shyer, less tolerant of humans and general disruption to their habitat. Here is a series of illustrations depicting different kinds of birds.

From the left, Blackbird, Green Honeycreeper, Peregrine Falcon, Toucan.